ICDR publishes proceedings from the Accessibility and Usability in Health Information Technology: A Research & Action Conference

The Interagency Committee on Disability Research (ICDR) has released the proceedings for “Accessibility and Usability in Health Information Technology: A Research & Action Conference to Empower People with Disabilities, Older Adults, and Caregivers”, held on September 17 – 18, 2015.
The purpose of the conference was to advance the priority of accessibility in health information technology (IT) systems and tools from a compliance-oriented approach toward one that is user-driven, responsive to human-centered consumer experiences, and results in increased patient engagement and improved health and wellness for individuals with disabilities, older adults, and caregivers. We are proud to report that over 35 thought leaders representing users, providers, health IT research and development (R&D), and federal leadership shared their perspectives of current issues and potential levers of change to move the agenda for accessible and usable health IT forward.
Stakeholders representing accessibility and health IT R&D, policy, federal government, industry, providers, aging and disability advocates, individuals with disabilities, older adults, and caregivers exchanged perspectives and identified issues as well as actionable strategies to advance knowledge and practices related to health care methods, models, and tools associated with accessible, interoperable, and person-centered health IT.
In addition to the proceedings, you can review presentations from the conference at: http://icdr.acl.gov/AHIT/index.html
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